Travel & culture at the China Sprachinstitut in Vienna

We offer online Chinese conversation workshops for travelers, Chinese workshops for travelers and calligraphy workshops for beginners and advanced learners in Vienna. The teaching material will be provided.

Invitation to the cultural evening


If you would like to participate in our cultural evening in cooperation with the City of Vienna on 28 September, please contact us as soon as possible.

The following event is planned for September 2023 in Vienna:

“Beautiful Asia and the beautiful City of Vienna”

For the opening of this cultural event, there will be several presentations about some beautiful Asian countries and also about the beautiful city of Vienna. Through this on one side, Austrians and people from other countries living in Vienna will discover more about Asian cultures, mentalities and the distinctions between the different Asian countries (e.g. China, South Korea, Malaysia and Thailand). On the other side, Asians and other people from abroad can encounter more of Vienna’s history and culture. In this way, we can break down prejudices because of cultural differences and build friendships more easily between people from Austria, Asia, and all over the world.